Happier than a Seagull

Not quite sure if it is possible: being happier than a seagull with a French fry. When I teach about ‘happiness’ and explain other people about why I practice and teach yoga – ‘because I seek lasting happiness’ – I am often confronted with remarks like: “Isn’t that very superficial? Why then don’t you just … Read more

Charming gardeners

Some days you just feel overwhelmed by gratitude. Today is one of these days for me. One of the students giving her exam class started her class today with the following quote from Marcel Proust: Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. First … Read more

Nobody is perfect.

‘Nobody is perfect’. This is one of these sayings that is used often and everybody agrees to generally shaking their head in vogorous approval when somebody blurts it out. But have you really reflected upon accepting yourself as you are and integrated it into your life? Have you really applied this saying towards yourself? Have … Read more

3 powerful ways to overcome negative emotions with awareness and attention.

Our lives are emotional roller coasters,sometimes full of ecstatic moments of excitement and joy and at other times filled with  endless valleys of mind numbing sadness. Some of these emotions tend to stay and disturb our minds and moods and control our daily lives, even to the extent of interfering with our well-being and happiness. When the … Read more