Yin Yoga Sequence – Vinyasa

Please use the following link to download the Yin Yoga Sequence Opening taught by Merel today. Click Download Link then right click and Save locally Yin Yoga Sequence Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes, Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road, Arambol, 403524, Goa, India Phone: +919637521278 Email: info@parimukti.com Website: http://parimukti.com/ Yin Yoga Training Goa | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher … Read more

Ignite your fire in a summer yin practise

Ignite your fire in a summer yin practise Written by Sophie Nusselder Midsummer Summer Solstice in Chinese calendar is on June 21st. So…Today! This summer season, is the most yang time of the year and is filled with abundant energy, long days and sunshine. In Chinese medicine the element of summer is fire, which allows … Read more

Yin for the liver and gallbladder

Written by Sophie Nusselder Yin for the liver and gallbladder Spring is in the air in Europe. The season of plants which are sprouting new growth, the season of  aliveness. The predominate atmospheric energy in this season, the Wood time of year, is Wind. The season of the liver and the gallbladder. This blog is about these … Read more

Learn To Balance Yang Energy In Yin Yoga

Learn To Balance Yang Energy In Yin Yoga Written by Sophie Nusselder Next to dynamic “Yang classes” (like vinyasa and ashtanga) which are merely focused on strengthening the muscles, most yogaschools offer Yin Yoga these days. Yin Yoga. This sounds quite a relaxing, slow and easy style don’t you think? Well, I must admit, it … Read more

How to Overcome Fear of Death through Yoga & Meditation #2

This blog series consists of three articles: #1 – The Root of Fear of Death #2 – Turn Unhealthy Fear into Healthy Fear through Meditation #3 – Asana & Meditation to Overcome Fear of Death #2 – Turn Unhealthy Fear into Healthy Fear through Meditation In the previous blog I introduced the concept of healthy and unhealthy fears. Today … Read more

What can be practices to be a self-care yogi? # 2

What can be practices to be a self-care yogi? # 2 Written by Sophie Nusselder Last Tuesday I shared a text, written by Rachel Naomi Remen MD, about how “helping” suggests inequality while “fixing” suggests that another person is broken. You don’t have to “fix” or “help” people. Better “serve” from a place of gratitude. … Read more

Creating a sacred space for teaching yoga

By Sophie Nusselder When we teach yoga we want to create a safe space where people can experience themselves in the moment. I have been teaching in beautiful well-lit cosy and warm yoga studios but also cold gymnasiums, public school classrooms, dark basements and dusty small rooms in community centres. These experiences got me thinking … Read more

What can be technical elements for a children’s yoga class?

      What can be technical elements for a children’s yoga class? Written by Sophie Nusselder Every hosted a children’s yoga class? It can be superfun! In this blog I share a list of “ingredients” – elements that proved to be powerful in children’s yoga classes I hosted the last view years. Hopefully they help you to … Read more