Yin Yoga Practise To Ignite Your Fire

Yin Yoga Practise To Ignite Your Fire Written by Sophie Nusselder YiN YOGA CLASS  – 75 min This practise targets the organs and meridians Heart and Small intestine but also Pericardium and Triple Heater. For contra-indications and alternatives and options I’d like to address you to the following sources website of Bernie Clark or Book … Read more

How to Overcome Fear of Death through Yoga & Meditation #2

This blog series consists of three articles: #1 – The Root of Fear of Death #2 – Turn Unhealthy Fear into Healthy Fear through Meditation #3 – Asana & Meditation to Overcome Fear of Death #2 – Turn Unhealthy Fear into Healthy Fear through Meditation In the previous blog I introduced the concept of healthy and unhealthy fears. Today … Read more

How to Overcome Fear of Death through Yoga and Meditation #1

This article consists of three parts: #1 – The Root of Fear of Death #2 – Turn Unhealthy Fear into Healthy Fear through Meditation #3 – Yin Yoga Sequence to Overcome Fear of Death #1 – Root of Fear of Death  Even the Wise Men Fear Death Fear and anxiety are interesting themes to work with in a … Read more

Practicing Yoga to Heal Trauma

Practicing Yoga to Heal Trauma Written by Sharon Brooke Uy One early evening yoga session, as we all transitioned into Warrior 2, a woman in front of me fell down. I thought she’d simply fallen out of the pose and decided to stay on the floor. But moments later, we realized it was more than … Read more

Visa Applications and the Kleshas

Visa Applications and the Kleshas Written by Sharon Brooke Uy Applying for an Indian visa is not the simplest or most carefree task. The entire process has the potential to breed feelings of overwhelming stress, and the pressure to make absolutely no mistakes on the application is incomparably high. So, naturally, I ended up making … Read more


Tapas – Written by Sophie Nusselder- By practising austerities, impurities are destroyed and there comes perfection in the body and sense organs*. If you are a frequent yoga practitioner, you know practice demands discipline. When you practise every day you learn more about your body, heart, mind, and spirit. The discipline, focus and passion with which … Read more

Yoga for osteoporosis

This article is separated in 4 chapters: Part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity? Part 2: Yoga for osteoporosis Part 3:What kind of asana practise is suitable for people with osteoporosis? Part 4:Do’s and don’t in Asana Practise for students with osteoporosis Part 2: Yoga for osteoporosis -Written by Sophie Nusselder- For this … Read more

How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity?

This article is separated in 4 chapters: Part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity? Part 2: Yoga for osteoporosis Part 3:What kind of asana practise is suitable for people with osteoporosis? Part 4:Do’s and don’t in Asana Practise for students with osteoporosis Part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone … Read more

Energy of Compassion: the New Global Currency #2

This article is written by Emily Curtis for Parimukti and consists of two parts. Today part 2  So in the previous post I introduced you to my idea for re-defining currency. How? Imagine if we all came from the lens of equality, and were encouraged to trade our unique values from that base. This would make how … Read more

How to bring Attention and Intention in your Daily Life

This article is written by Azuka Muse for Parimukti According to many spiritual traditions, including the yoga tradition, attention and intention  are the two most powerful tools we have to use to expand our human potential and our happiness. But how to bring these into your daily life? ~ Know the difference between goal and intention … Read more