The power of now #1

Written by Estella Vall “There is no better time than the present” predicts Eckhart Tolle, writer of the best-selling book The Power of Now: A guide to spiritual enlightment. The Power of Now has been recognized as one of the most influential spiritual books of our time. The book has helped a large number people … Read more

Ishvara Pranidhana

Ishvara Pranidhana – written by Sophie Nusselder – Success in the trance comes by complete surrender to God* – Iswara Paranidhana means ‘surrender’. Practicing yoga helpes us realize we are not the masters of this universe. There is a wisdom and strength where everything comes from. In all major yoga philosophies surrender (bhakti) is regarded as the essence … Read more

How can meditation help to change structures in the brain? #6

This article consists of 6 parts. This is part 6. Written by Sophie Nusselder Should everybody do yoga and/or meditate? I don’t think so. Every human being is unique in his or her own existence. Meditation means different things to different people. There are dozens of types, styles and schools of thought offering it; including … Read more

The Time I Sprained my Ankle on a Guitar Tuner

This article is written by Amy Ruben  It’s in that flash of a moment—the moment that quite possibly didn’t even exist—that we remember. This is called instinct. Our instinct graciously, yet, frantically, jumps up and down and waves a red flag in front of our face. Why? To protect our precious physical body from danger. … Read more

Take Care of Your Mind

To work at his best, the mind and the body need to be balanced. According to Ayurveda, disease comes from imbalances and are psychosomatic. That means body and mind are always involved both, working together and have to be considered as a whole in the process of healing and health. Our senses and our actions are oriented … Read more

Six Ways How to Heal Your Injury with Yoga

My background as a dancer brought me a lot of skills… but many injuries at the same time. When i really started my yoga practice a couple of years ago, i realized how much my body was broken, damaged and desperately needed some healing. At the start of my asana practice arm balancing was absolutely … Read more

Analysing the self with transactional analysis – part 1

Written by Sophie Nusselder for Parimukti In this article I’ll introduce you to the transactional analysis. How do I apply this theory in life and how can a yogateacher apply this theory? Also you can read an interview with Angelica Macky; one of our teachers at Parimukti. What is the art of teaching according to … Read more

Building a relationship with the self – # 3

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 3. Written by Sophie Nusselder Building a relationship with the self. Manjeet Manthur; one of the teachers of Parimukti is exploring this in meditations done by 2 persons. Interview with Manjeet Mantur   An interview with Manjeet Manthur Abramović and Ulay had to break up after … Read more

Building a relationship with the self – # 1

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 1. Written by Sophie Nusselder Building a relationship with the self Building a relationship with the self. Manjeet Manthur; one of the teachers of Parimukti is exploring this in meditations done by 2 persons. The Shiva and the Shakti The last week I have joined wonderfull … Read more

How meditation can change the brain structure

Effects on the brain in meditation – part 3 from 5 Nowadays the effect of meditation has become a growing subfield of neurological research. In 1975, Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Harvard’s Mind-Body Medical Institute, reported that meditation induces a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body collectively referred as the “relaxation … Read more