Art of Teaching

    Teaching is indeed an art. It requires full attention and presence, it requires confidence in yourself and creativity. As a beginning teacher we do recommend anyone to prepare your class properly. Good preparation gives a solid foundation to rely upon. With proper prepartion you can teach confidently and let things happen spontaneously. Authenticity … Read more

DwiPada Viparita Dandasna

Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes, Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road, Arambol, 403524, Goa, India Phone: +919637521278 Email: Website: Yin Yoga Training Goa | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa | Meditation Teacher Training Goa

Cherish difficult situations like a sharp knife

One teacher helped me a great deal with comparing pain and difficult situations with a knife, a knife that is pointing at your chest and about to enter. Naturally you are afraid of the knife and you would want to back up, move away. However he advised to instead gently lean into the knife. Don’t … Read more

The importance of expressing anger in a healthy manner

Here is a way, to express your anger in a powerful healthy manner. First we have to understand the need of expressing anger in a healthy manner. Why ? Repression is the opposite of Expression.  Repressed anger is one of the most dangerous emotions to be sitting and boiling inside your body and mind. It can give … Read more

Study yourself, study your patterns

You probably recognise this. Your best friend is coming up to you and says: ‘Why do i always get into a relationship with men that hurt me?’ or ‘Why do i always get into trouble with bosses at work? ‘And you know exactly what the reason is, and you have probably talked about this with … Read more

3 powerful ways to overcome negative emotions with awareness and attention.

Our lives are emotional roller coasters,sometimes full of ecstatic moments of excitement and joy and at other times filled with  endless valleys of mind numbing sadness. Some of these emotions tend to stay and disturb our minds and moods and control our daily lives, even to the extent of interfering with our well-being and happiness. When the … Read more

If you can’t hold on to the good, just remember that the bad passes too

Indians keep surprising me with the wisdom they are able to share in one single sentence at moments that you least expect it. Here’s on i received in a chai shop the other day in Rishikish. At several places in India there has been a cloud burst only two weeks ago causing major landslides and … Read more

Boost your self esteem with this simple exercise ?

Body and mind are heavily inter-related.  Emotions are expressed as feelings or pain in the physical body. While the health and vitality of the physical body is similarly mirrored by emotions.  An easy example is that when you are feeling sad your shoulders start drooping naturally, this is a simple example of your emotions being reflected in the … Read more

Cross the bridge only when you are at the bridge

You know these people that always worry about anything that can go wrong? Bringing up all disasters that could happen or mistakes that are bound to happen? Maybe your partner, possibly your mother, your boss, or colleague? Or.. maybe yourself? Now, while it is not bad to consider all options that could happen and to … Read more