A series on Karuna, Part 2: The witness within

This is a mini series on compassion. Written by Emily Curtis for Parimukti Part 2: The witness within When I find that I cannot be present to feel compassionate with the emotions that arise in my relationships, this is an indication of a potent story happening in me. Some people call this the emergence of the shadow, … Read more

A series on Karuna: What is the true meaning of compassion?

This is the first part in a mini series on Compassion. Written by Emily Curtis for Parimukti What’s pity got to do with it? I’ve been meditating a lot on the nature of compassion in its numerous forms: self-compassion, compassion for other, for family, and compassion for societies and larger communities. It’s a big topic. I was … Read more

Student life, Meet Doreen :-)

Meet Doreen One of our lovely stiudents who joined our Yoga Teacher Training in Dharamsala this year. We love how varied people with varied background come together and end up making similar commitments and discovering a life of Yogic transformation in their own ways. It’s always inspiring to meet dedicated commited people who are transforming … Read more

Float in your yamas

Every well respected yoga teacher and dedicated yoga practitioner has studied the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Patanjali presents us with the often quoted yamas and niyamas and are supposed to be a guideline for daily living, and the foundation for personal and spiritual growth. Without being firmly rooted in them our practice can steer us … Read more

Trusting myself to trust the monkeys

I am invited by an Australian online blog to share my story about how I came to live in India. It is supposed to feature in a week or so from now, I’ll keep you posted on when that’s coming up! The common theme was supposed to be ‘fearless woman’. Although I agreed to contribute … Read more

Happier than a Seagull

Not quite sure if it is possible: being happier than a seagull with a French fry. When I teach about ‘happiness’ and explain other people about why I practice and teach yoga – ‘because I seek lasting happiness’ – I am often confronted with remarks like: “Isn’t that very superficial? Why then don’t you just … Read more

Charming gardeners

Some days you just feel overwhelmed by gratitude. Today is one of these days for me. One of the students giving her exam class started her class today with the following quote from Marcel Proust: Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. First … Read more

10 powerful reasons why breathing is considered central to a yogic practice in which cultivating awareness is the goal.

Being aware of the gap between two thoughts can be the door to our true nature. This alertness is usually short and fragmented due to the constant chatter of our mind.  Yoga can increase the quality of this alertness  by reducing the involvement of our mind. This alertness between two consecutive thoughts is a door … Read more