Building a relationship with the self – # 3

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 3. Written by Sophie Nusselder Building a relationship with the self. Manjeet Manthur; one of the teachers of Parimukti is exploring this in meditations done by 2 persons. Interview with Manjeet Mantur   An interview with Manjeet Manthur Abramović and Ulay had to break up after … Read more

Building a relationship with the self – # 2

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 2. Written by Sophie Nusselder Building a relationship with the self Building a relationship with the self. Manjeet Manthur; one of the teachers of Parimukti is exploring this in meditations done by 2 persons. Marina Abramović and Ulay Marina Abramovic and Ulay Marina Abramović (Belgrado – … Read more

Building a relationship with the self – # 1

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 1. Written by Sophie Nusselder Building a relationship with the self Building a relationship with the self. Manjeet Manthur; one of the teachers of Parimukti is exploring this in meditations done by 2 persons. The Shiva and the Shakti The last week I have joined wonderfull … Read more

Meet Charlie Smeets – one of our new students in the Yoga Teacher Training

On Friday the 9th of Oktober I arrived in the beautiful village of Dharamkot, North-India. I flew in from Colombo, where my journey had started one month earlier, through Chennai and Delhi to finally arrive in Dharamsala. There a taxi driver would be waiting for me. Dharamkot is a small hillside village overlooking the Kangra … Read more

How meditation can change the brain structure

Effects on the brain in meditation – part 3 from 5 Nowadays the effect of meditation has become a growing subfield of neurological research. In 1975, Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Harvard’s Mind-Body Medical Institute, reported that meditation induces a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body collectively referred as the “relaxation … Read more

Hi. My name is Emily and I’m a pollster – Part 2

This is part one of a two-part series on Intuition. Written by Emily Curtis for Parimukti   Part 2: The initiate takes the plunge Have you been in a yoga class where the instructor has said, “be your own teacher?” They’re telling us to find and be guided by our own inner wisdom. Not to mimic … Read more

Announcing Parimukti Yoga Therapy Training

I am very happy to finally announce the new Parimukti Yoga Therapy Training for yoga teachers and health professionals. Many people over the years have come to me asking to treat them for migraine, or pain or some other problems which they were not completely happy treating with western medicine. While we continue offering Level 1, 200hrs Yoga … Read more

Interview with Merel: ‘When queuing, it is survival of the fittest ‘

Last week, Merel was interviewed by the popular Dutch newspaper ‘het Parool’ for their column on former citizens of Amsterdam who have moved abroad. The article is based on a 1,5 hrs interview and written in Dutch by Anouk Vleugels. Below you find the translation. PS World weekly Skypes with a former citizen of Amsterdam who … Read more

Happier than a Seagull

Not quite sure if it is possible: being happier than a seagull with a French fry. When I teach about ‘happiness’ and explain other people about why I practice and teach yoga – ‘because I seek lasting happiness’ – I am often confronted with remarks like: “Isn’t that very superficial? Why then don’t you just … Read more

After Vinyasa must come chai !☺☺☺

Day 3 of our Teacher Training Course This morning started with ashtanga vinyasa style Suryanamaskars to warm our bodies up from the Himalayan chill. Following our practice we were greeted with masala chai and coconut museli.   As the day progressed the sun came out and heated up Dharamkot just in time for some relaxation … Read more