Trusting myself to trust the monkeys

I am invited by an Australian online blog to share my story about how I came to live in India. It is supposed to feature in a week or so from now, I’ll keep you posted on when that’s coming up! The common theme was supposed to be ‘fearless woman’. Although I agreed to contribute … Read more

Happier than a Seagull

Not quite sure if it is possible: being happier than a seagull with a French fry. When I teach about ‘happiness’ and explain other people about why I practice and teach yoga – ‘because I seek lasting happiness’ – I am often confronted with remarks like: “Isn’t that very superficial? Why then don’t you just … Read more

How to Help

After a week of reading harrowing stories in the media surrounding the refugee crisis all seriously disturbing. I have found myself selfishly asking “What can I do ?”. I want to help and I know this helping will alleviate the guilt I have about being so lucky to be born in the country I was. … Read more


There’s more to yoga than vinyasa, I know this, I’m a yoga teacher! So why does a week without a strong dynamic daily practice cause me issues and what does that tell me? I normally get up very early to practice ‘#yogaeverydamnday’ and a strong ashtanga practice at that. This week I began my 300hr Yoga Teacher … Read more

Views of the mountains from our students rooms

Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes, Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road, Arambol, 403524, Goa, India Phone: +919637521278 Email: Website: Yin Yoga Training Goa | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa | Meditation Teacher Training Goa

Nobody is perfect.

‘Nobody is perfect’. This is one of these sayings that is used often and everybody agrees to generally shaking their head in vogorous approval when somebody blurts it out. But have you really reflected upon accepting yourself as you are and integrated it into your life? Have you really applied this saying towards yourself? Have … Read more

Study yourself, study your patterns

You probably recognise this. Your best friend is coming up to you and says: ‘Why do i always get into a relationship with men that hurt me?’ or ‘Why do i always get into trouble with bosses at work? ‘And you know exactly what the reason is, and you have probably talked about this with … Read more