10 Reasons how yoga helps overcoming lifestyle diseases.

Health is harmony.  When different systems like respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular etc function in harmony with each other then the body is healthy.  When different aspects of psyche like mind, emotions, intellect etc of person function in harmony then person is psychologically healthy. Body and mind of a healthy person are in harmony.  This harmony can … Read more

How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity? part 1

This article is separated in 4 chapters: Part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity? Part 2: Yoga for osteoporosis Part 3:What kind of asana practise is suitable for people with osteoporosis? Part 4: Example of asana practise Today you can read part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone … Read more

10 powerful reasons why breathing is considered central to a yogic practice in which cultivating awareness is the goal.

Being aware of the gap between two thoughts can be the door to our true nature. This alertness is usually short and fragmented due to the constant chatter of our mind.  Yoga can increase the quality of this alertness  by reducing the involvement of our mind. This alertness between two consecutive thoughts is a door … Read more

8 essential rules for a simple and effective yogic self practice?

Yoga can be learned at home by following instructions from authentic books or CDs.  Yoga is kind of exercise that needs synchronization of body, breath, and awareness aimed towards health and self transformation.  However, while trying to learn yoga at home by oneself, emphasize should be laid more on personal safety than on anything else.  … Read more

The dangers of practicing  yoga at home without a proper instruction

“Yog” or popularly known term “yoga” means union or process of joining.  Yoga is joining of awareness which is otherwise fragmented due to constant interference of thoughts emotions and ego. With integration of awareness, yoga brings about corresponding integration in body and it’s chemistry.  Thus yoga works on you not only on physical level through … Read more

day 26: 2 out of 3 are teachers! CONGRATS!!

today morning and afternoon both, ryan and cari held a hatha class instead of our teacher mandi. so also mandi’s regular students were coming and attending the session. both did a very good job, ryan was doing his own personalized variation of a vinyasa in his hatha sequence and was talking very confident. cari was … Read more

day 24: study, relax & resume

the time has passed fast, almost 4 weeks intense yoga classes, tomorrow we have the written exam. today we had hatha with mandi, then awesome breakfast, satsang with rajee, the guru, whose followers fall to his feed after his speech. in the lunch break we sat together & prepared for the exam, later i was … Read more