Ishvara Pranidhana

Ishvara Pranidhana – written by Sophie Nusselder – Success in the trance comes by complete surrender to God* – Iswara Paranidhana means ‘surrender’. Practicing yoga helpes us realize we are not the masters of this universe. There is a wisdom and strength where everything comes from. In all major yoga philosophies surrender (bhakti) is regarded as the essence … Read more


Tapas – Written by Sophie Nusselder- By practising austerities, impurities are destroyed and there comes perfection in the body and sense organs*. If you are a frequent yoga practitioner, you know practice demands discipline. When you practise every day you learn more about your body, heart, mind, and spirit. The discipline, focus and passion with which … Read more

The 5 do’s of the eightfolded path: niyamas

The 5 do’s of the eightfolded path: niyamas Written by Sophie Nusselder If you have been practicing yoga for a while, you are probably familiar with asana, pranayama and/or meditation. All three of them are very important tools to aid your transformation and can help you to live a happier and more content life. However, yoga … Read more

Asanas for students with osteoporosis

This article is separated in 4 chapters: Part 1: How can yoga help to strengthen your bone capacity? Part 2: Yoga for osteoporosis Part 3: What kind of asana practise is suitable for people with osteoporosis? Part 4:Do’s and don’t in Asana Practise for students with osteoporosis Written by Sophie Nusselder  *** Today you can … Read more

Yoga Therapy for Lifestyle Diseases #2

Yesterday I introduced lifestyle diseases and their prevalence in (Western) high-income countries. Common lifestyle diseases are for example burn-out, obesity, depression, anxiety disorder, diabetes mellitus type 2, allergies, arthritis. And this is only a few. The most common underlaying cause for development of these diseases is stress: (perceived) stress triggered by our way of life. … Read more

How can meditation help to change structures in the brain? #6

This article consists of 6 parts. This is part 6. Written by Sophie Nusselder Should everybody do yoga and/or meditate? I don’t think so. Every human being is unique in his or her own existence. Meditation means different things to different people. There are dozens of types, styles and schools of thought offering it; including … Read more

Freedom: what’s up with that?

Freedom. I’dom. Me’dom. Where’s your We’dom? This world needs a brand new Re’dom. We’dom the key We’dom the key’dom them to life. Let’s be dem We’dom smart phones. Don’t be dumb. Borders A few days ago I bumped into the song ‘Borders’ of Mia: British artist of Sri Lankan and Tamil roots. I almost instantly fell in love with the skittering … Read more

If you hold on to the bad, how will it ever pass?

Indians keep surprising me with the wisdom they are able to share in one single sentence at moments that you least expect it. I was reminded today about a conversation I had one day in Rishikesh, about three years ago. It was in a chai shop along the street. Around that time, in several places … Read more

Yoga Student on the Path of the Teacher

This blog is written by Emily Curtis for Parimukti When I look for a yoga class to take, where I’ll spend any appreciable amount of time—I care a lot about the teacher. My connection, my trust, and my respect all form potential roadblocks; as well they form potential clearings to my learning, to my practice flourishing. I … Read more

Life as a Student at Parimukti by Charley Smeets #1

This is a series written by Charley Smeets about her experiences as a student at Parimukti.  Today part 1 Four weeks it has been. Four weeks that flew by. Four weeks of your life living in a small bubble. But such a good bubble it was. After a week of exams and a lot of studying we … Read more