Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Goa

What is yin yoga? Yin yoga is one of the styles of yoga which focuses on the connecting tissues or joint tissues of the body. Yoga basics are all about learning to procure in touch along with your entire body and connecting your thoughts along with your complete body. To achieve this, you need to … Read more

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Goa

Yoga, itself is a sacred form of asana, which cleans the body, soul and fits the body structure. From the past few decades Yin Yoga has become one of the most favoured style of yoga. There are different aspects in Yoga, which is also helpful in both personal and professional ways. Yin Yoga teacher training … Read more

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Goa

With a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, you have a broader range of business opportunities at hand. It acts as proof of credibility giving you the entire freedom of opening a yoga studio as you will be assured of trainees, due to their confirmation of your qualification. Thus, a yoga professional course is … Read more

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

Yoga has the magical power that can heal various diseases. It is very popular in providing better health and balance in life.  The various exercises in yoga like asana, pranayama, and mudras help in achieving better health. Yoga is difficult to learn on your own. You just need a good training to become an expert … Read more

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa India

Yoga Alliance certified 6 week long 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa exploring yang and yin styles of yoga through all aspects of yoga to enrich your teaching skills. During this 6 weeks intensive training, you will immerse yourself fully into the process of yoga, experiencing directly what it is like to live and … Read more

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Goa

In today’s primary world, everyone wants to learn the art of living and learning. Humans have a shortage of time in today’s pledging life. he also looks for new ways to improve his fitness. When we talk about better health, the first thing comes to our brain is yoga. Yoga is the best medicine to … Read more

Yoga and stress: here’s what you need to know to live stress free

HOW STRESS MAKES YOU FAT AND MEDITATION THERAPY CAN REVERSE THAT These series of articles touch upon content of my recent book “meditation therapy training Goa”, written for everyone involved using meditation therapy for healing. Please join me on a journey of mind-body anatomy and physiology relevant to meditation therapy training Goa! With love, Merel Martens – … Read more

How can meditation help to change structures in the brain? #5

This article consist of 6 parts. This is part 5. Written by Sophie Nusselder. Vipassana: a technique to reset the mind For me yoga works therapeutically. I’m quite an extravert person and love to share time with people. Asana (yoga posture) practise is for me the motor to focus on myself and fill my body with … Read more

How can reading help?

Nostra commodo sagittis at! Repellat occaecati. Pharetra nibh hendrerit autem nisi per, integer maecenas, torquent error posuere tempora ad soluta suscipit nisl inceptos! Amet, convallis a conubia tristique sequi? Ante ipsum excepturi tellus nobis sequi debitis, qui fringilla congue aute, quisquam elementum ullamcorper minima, quibusdam convallis hac quaerat! Venenatis architecto atque illum minus quia. Fuga? … Read more

5 simple stretches to relax body muscles

Conubia quae hac, vulputate numquam, consectetuer? Porta! Laoreet euismod ex. Ab! Eos possimus deserunt nisl, ex alias magnam maiores assumenda? Exercitationem, justo! Culpa expedita facilisis, eiusmod! Minus voluptate. Senectus voluptatem, ea eum impedit reiciendis voluptate fringilla sociis sem eos quos! Magni orci, in irure. Feugiat perferendis! Facilisi diam? Rem eros malesuada accumsan, diamlorem mi? Et … Read more