day 11: yoga is not an exercise

my personal favorite is the philosophy class, so i’m glad we are given a daily dose of one hour with yogesh. today we learnt that the word asana means “sit comfortably” in sanskrit. yogis cannot be concentrated in long meditation sessions, if their back hurts or they have lack of control over their bodies. there … Read more

day 10: willpower & creativity

as i already mentioned yesterday, we get a bit tired with all exercise, studying and emotions. any of the teachers support us a lot by remembering us always about the opportunity to stay strong. stay in one pose longer, it’s just the mind that gets wesk or try this pose, imagine it first and just … Read more

day 8: let’s start teaching

after the nice weekend studying and beach, today was a pretty intense start into week number two with about 4,5 hours of yoga in total. very interesting was our first teaching attempt in the class called “art of teaching”: we were all preparing warm up & sun salutations and had to teach the class this … Read more

day 5: the emotions are coming up

almost one week is behind us, five days of working on our body, mind and soul. “my neck pain is gone” or “i had such a great sleep” are just a few of the benefits i can hear in the group. at yesterdays kundalini dance lots of emotions came up, also in todays breathing exercise … Read more

day 4: yogi diet and kundalini dancing

after an amazing 2 hours vinyasa class in the early morning, we had philosophy with yogesh again. this time: yogi diet! of course a topic that everybody can relate to, we all have our opinion – high protein or high carb, raw or cooked. but not only physical food is part of the yogi diet, … Read more

day 3: teaching is an art

today we learned all the sanskrit words for the sun salutations in vinyasa – some you know from the class, but some are just really long. we have to learn and use them since it is yoga, so we had our first practical lessons in teaching today. although i already know both variations of sun … Read more

day 2: meditation class is silent and boring. not!

good evening, guys! i just returned from my training, gonna do my homework and fall asleep! it was an exhausting day. after hatha yoga in the morning, we had a class called art of teaching where we got the basic structure of a vinyasa class. after lunch we had anotomy and actually i think the … Read more

day 1: i’m a student again!!

hello guys, namaste! i had a really good day today: mind opening classes in stunning surroundings, i’m still flying! 🙂 we started the day with an easy vinyasa class while the sun was rising. my favorite was the following philosophy class, we discussed what yoga is and what it’s not. it was interesting to hear … Read more