Yoga and politics

Written by Sharon Brooke Uy It’s election year in the United States. Emotions run high, vibrations run low, and war seems increasingly extant, not just between countries, but between individual people. Fear has become the overt weapon of choice, and a very potent one at that. I often find myself thinking, “If only we had … Read more

Practicing Yoga to Heal Trauma

Practicing Yoga to Heal Trauma Written by Sharon Brooke Uy One early evening yoga session, as we all transitioned into Warrior 2, a woman in front of me fell down. I thought she’d simply fallen out of the pose and decided to stay on the floor. But moments later, we realized it was more than … Read more

Sitting Still

Sitting Still Written by Sharon Brooke Uy There’s a meditation class that goes on after Wednesday night yoga. During one particular meditation class, halfway through, I found myself struggling deeply to sit still. Numbness in my foot was traveling up my leg, and I wanted so badly to change my position. Inside churned a battle … Read more

Visa Applications and the Kleshas

Visa Applications and the Kleshas Written by Sharon Brooke Uy Applying for an Indian visa is not the simplest or most carefree task. The entire process has the potential to breed feelings of overwhelming stress, and the pressure to make absolutely no mistakes on the application is incomparably high. So, naturally, I ended up making … Read more

How can yoga and meditation help you in your relationships?

How can Yoga and meditation help you in your relationships? Written by Caroline Hecker Yoga and meditation brings you in balance with yourself. With being in balance you get more peaceful and calm- this feeling of calmness is not only existing when you practice yoga or meditation- a good yoga or meditationteacher helps you to … Read more

10 day Special Parimukti Therapy Module this summer in the Netherlands

10 day Special Parimukti Therapy Module this summer in the Netherlands Are you ready to take the next step in your yoga journey? So happy and exited to announce a 10 Day Special Parimukti Yoga Therapy Module with Merel Martens this summer in Utrecht-The Netherlands. INTEGRATING THE SCIENCE OF WESTERN MEDICINE & INDIAN AYURVEDA IN … Read more

Why did Yoga became so popular?

Why did Yoga became so popular? Written by Caroline Hecker First of all Yoga calms your mind, it makes you more relaxed in a world, that becomes more and more restless. Furthermore it supports your concentration and living more mindfully. While the world seems to loose its focus and peacefulness in the process of globalization … Read more

What everyone should know about Yoga

What everyone should know about Yoga Written by Caroline Hecker Yoga is a term often used nowadays. Some people think yoga is simply a workout other connect it with some weekend wellness centers. But what is the actual meaning of yoga and whats its true essence? Yoga describes a system for your body, soul and … Read more

How do we practise mindfullness while watching our movie?

How do we practise mindfullness while watching our movie? Written by Hillary R. Hoff According to Yoga International the physical body is the holding of material and matter which makes us, us. Our life energy that governs our biological process, from breathing to digestion to the circulation of our blood. Our prana, also known as … Read more