Meditation As A Profession

Meditation is a process of self-introspection. Discovering peace, happiness, and positivity within ourselves is the sole purpose of meditation. Meditating is not easy it cannot be learned by itself one needs to join a training centre to learn the art of meditation. There are many meditation teacher training centres in Goa which will help you … Read more

Benefits of Meditation Therapy

What is meditation? Meditation is a philosophical and psychological discipline of maintaining balance in training the mind and body to focus on peace and serenity. What is meditation therapy? Meditation therapy is the process of healing the negative factors in one’s life like fear, sadness, loneliness and to find inner peace, love, and happiness. What … Read more

Meditation Therapy Training in Goa

What is Meditation? Meditation is an art of self-introspection. It is not only concentrating its is living every breath you take. It brings positivity in one’s life. Your mind diverts to a positive path if you meditate daily. It is a self-healing process. What is Meditation Therapy? Meditation therapy is process of self-healing using meditation. … Read more

Meditation: Creating The Meaningful Difference in The Lives of The People

“Prayer is talking to the universe, Meditation is listening to it”  The art of meditation has its roots deeply associated with India. In fact, India has gifted the art of meditation to the varied countries of the world. Therefore, one can locate various meditation teacher training institutes scattered within the country. To choose the one … Read more

Meditation Therapy Training Course in Goa

What is Meditation? Meditation is a highly effective method for working on the mind. It promotes an alert and skilful state of mind which requires us to remain present and ‘with’ whatever is happening in and around us. Its not difficult to meditate but it a process one can learn by undergoing the meditation therapy … Read more

Meditation Teacher Training In Goa

Meditation is a skill that has been dismissed by a lot of people before they even learn about it or try it for themselves. If you do not know anything about meditation or have never tried it before, do not worry. You can take meditation teacher training in goa. Meditation is something that takes a … Read more

Meditation Teacher Training Course Goa

What is meditation? Meditation is a discipline, which depicts the action or the practice of meditating. It includes contemplation, thinking, pondering, reflection, praying, brooding, mulling, etc. It also includes meditation teacher training Goa. It also is a written and spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject. A simple meditation includes the use of the … Read more

Meditation Teacher Training Course Goa India

You may not have thought of Goa as a destination for mental wellness but beyond the shimmer of the party scene is the hub of meditation and wellness. Make the most your next trip to the coastal city to undertake a more meaningful journey. More so, the Meditation teacher training Goa offers will enable you … Read more

Meditation Therapy Training Course in Goa India

Meditation Therapy Training Course in Goa Parimukti Yoga offers various spiritual transformation yoga meditation retreats – chakra therapy energy healing and certified meditation training course in Goa, India. They offers comprehensively structured meditation teacher training to yoga meditation students & healers from around the world who wish to deepen their knowledge and meditation practice. With … Read more

Meditation Therapy and Menstruation

MEDITATION THERAPY AND MENSTRUATION These series of articles touch upon content of my recent book “Essential Meditation Therapy”, written for everyone involved using Meditation for healing. Please join me on a journey of mind-body anatomy and physiology relevant to Meditation therapy! With love, Merel Martens – Founder Parimukti Meditation India The female body is constantly responding … Read more