Prana: “life force”!

Prana Let’s talk a bit more about prana. The Sanskrit word prana is a combinatation of two syllables, pra and na and denotes constancy, a force in constant motion. The chhandogya Upanishad (1.11:5) says: “ In prana all moveable and immoveable beings merge during dissolution and rise out of prana (during creation)”. Prana is the … Read more

Kumbhaka: “the yogic trip”

Kumbhaka: the yogic trip Personally I love to perform Kumbhaka. This is the moment when you hold your breath in between the inhalation and the exhalation. I remember, one of my yoga teachers nicknamed the effect of kumbhaka “ the yogic trip”. Why do we keep the breath out? What yogi say is, the period … Read more

What is the key to full yogic breath?

We can differentiate three types of breathing. 1.Clavicle breathing is the most shallow and worst possible type of breathing. The shoulders and collarbone are raised while the abdomen is contracted during inhalation. Maximum effort is made, but a minimum amount of air is obtained. 2.Thoracic breathing is done with the rib muscles expanding the rib … Read more

What is pranayama?

I started studying yoga about eight years ago. At the time my breath was often shallowly, my shoulders were hunched and I had a painful tension in the upper part of the back and neck. Yoga practise helped me to learn how to expand my ribcage, how to use the lungs to their maximum capacity … Read more

Pranayama: the fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga

  ‘Tasmin sati åvâsa-praåvâsayor gati-vicchedaï prâñâyâmaï’ (YS 2.49) ‘The asana having been done, pranayama is the cessation of the movement of inhalation and exhalation” The fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga is pranayama. Georg Feuerstein explains this sutra as following: “When the posture is mastered, the breath control can start. Breath controls is not mere rhythmic … Read more

Mysore week with Luke Jordan #3

Yesterday was the last day of the Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Week with Luke Jordan. After practice we had breakfast with the group of students. I spoke with Luke about the content of my blog yesterday; which talks about YS 2.46 Sthira-Sukham Âsanam: Asana is a steady and comfortable posture. In addition, Luke recited YS 2.47 and … Read more

Mysore week with Luke Jordan #2

YS 2.46 Sthira-Sukham Âsanam Asana is a steady and comfortable posture  On the first day of this Ashtanga Mysore week I received my first verbal adjustment after doing the sunset invitations A & B and some standing positions. Luke recited Yoga Sutra 2.46; which is Sthira-Sukham-Asanam. He told me he sees a lot of “Sukham” … Read more

Mysore week with Luke Jordan #1

Mysore week with Luke Jordan This week I am attending a 6 day Ashtanga Mysore workshop under guidance of Luke Jordan. I wake up at 4.30 am in Utrecht, the Netherlands, where I am currently living. After a bike drive in half sleepy state, I reunite at 5.15 am with colleague yoga teachers. We drive … Read more


Shaucha – Written by Sophie Nusselder – From cleanliness there comes indifference towards body and non-attachment to others*. Saucha is the first of the Niyama in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Saucha means ‘purity’ or and refers to the need to clean and pure love our inner and outer life. On the first level means that … Read more

The 5 do’s of the eightfolded path: niyamas

The 5 do’s of the eightfolded path: niyamas Written by Sophie Nusselder If you have been practicing yoga for a while, you are probably familiar with asana, pranayama and/or meditation. All three of them are very important tools to aid your transformation and can help you to live a happier and more content life. However, yoga … Read more