My arms are aching, my abs are screaming and my hamstrings are so tight that I am certain they have magically shortened!
This is all after a week of chaturanga practice. I am actually so happy my body feels this way. Its a sign to me that I am actually using my muscles and not lazily doing a half hearted self practice. I am a yoga teacher but this certainly dosent mean that I dont need my own teacher. In fact I think this is essential.I mean all famed yogis had their Gurus. Its great to be pushed and to be encouraged to expand your limits. Of course there is a fine line between pain and progression, but most of us, well myself anyway stick to staying comfortable. I know I have that tendency and its something I have to work on. Gaahhh so may things to work on!
So this week I will continue the ‘Chaturanga Challenge’. I have been watching alot of youtube videos for inspiration. Kino Mcgregor is awesome if you check her out. Stay tuned as I’m planning on videoing a little Chaturanga challenge between all of us here at Parimukti. A friendly challenge of course 🙂

Of course in order to build strength i need to look at my diet. So, I have been researching more into Ayurveda. It is a fascinating science that really can help put you in balance. Its really helpful to find out your dosha and then build your diet and daily rountine from there. You will find that your emotional, sleeping and eating patterns start to make sense. I have had mild insomnia to severe insomnia for quite a while and a simple ritual of putting almond oil up my nose and in my ears has really helped. It may sound strange, but in reality we put toxic substances into our bodies daily without batting an eyelid.
Go check your dosha!
Here are 2 quiz’s you can try, the first one is my favourite 🙂
Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes,
Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road,
Arambol, 403524,
Goa, India
Phone: +919637521278
Yin Yoga Training Goa | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa | Meditation Teacher Training Goa