Building a relationship with the self – # 4

This article consists of 4 parts. This is part 4. Written by Sophie Nusselder

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Experiences of the students

  • I jumped into it with and open mind; without any expectations what this practice had to bring for me and was pleasantly surprised.
  • Mangeet is able to create a space where people with different backgrounds and nationalities feel welcome.
  • Mangeet creates a space where you can get in contact with others very quickly.
  • In the meditations I felt emotions I didn’t feel for a long time
  •  In the meditations I thought back on situations of the past
  • I felt flowing the energy in the chakras
  • I enjoyed the deep exchange of energy in different forms and layers
  •  The exercises helped me to observe myself by using other people as a mirror
  • The exercises helped me to experience the unseparated divine what lives in all of us
  • Mangeet offered a nice balance in practical and philosophical knowledge
  • Mangeet was creating a safe space where people could be honest to themselves
  • In the meditations I felt a deep connection with myself.
  • The meditations made me aware that everybody is the same. We all have the same emotions
  • The material Mangeet offered encourages me to continue practice on my own.
  • The meditations made me that aware that I’m responsible for my own thoughts and how I see other people: pleasant or unpleasant.
  • The meditations made me see there’s love in every person.
  • The meditations made me aware to step over my shyness and start doing things I was scared for before.
  • I met a lot of new people who are inspiring me to share the best of myself.

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Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes,
Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road,
Arambol, 403524,
Goa, India
Phone: +919637521278

Yin Yoga Training Goa | 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Goa | Meditation Teacher Training Goa