Yin Yoga Training in India: A Journey into Deep Relaxation and Inner Balance

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Yin Yoga, a deeply meditative practice, emphasizes slow, passive stretches held for extended periods. It targets the connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia, promoting flexibility, circulation, and deep relaxation. Unlike more dynamic forms of yoga that focus on building strength and heat, Yin Yoga encourages stillness, surrender, and mindfulness. This practice has gained … Read more

Comprehensive Guide to Yin Yoga & Its Benefits


Yin Yoga is a meditative and slow-paced yoga practice that focuses on deep stretching and the release of tension in the body’s connective tissues, including ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Unlike more dynamic yoga styles that build strength and endurance, Yin Yoga emphasizes stillness and surrender. Practitioners hold postures for extended periods—typically three to five minutes … Read more

Yin Yoga: An Overview


Yin Yoga is a distinct style of yoga characterized by specific passive poses, known as yin poses, which are held for extended durations, typically ranging from 3 to 10 minutes. Although the development of this yoga style is attributed to Paul Grilley in the 1980s, the practice of maintaining each pose for longer durations originates … Read more

Yin Yoga Practise To Ignite Your Fire


YiN YOGA CLASS  – 75 min This practise targets the organs and meridians Heart and Small intestine but also Pericardium and Triple Heater. For contra-indications and alternatives and options I’d like to address you to the following sources website of Bernie Clark or Book of Paul Grilley – The complete guide of Yin Yoga Book … Read more

Become a professional in Yin yoga Teacher Training Programs


Yin Yoga teacher training programs can really help anyone become a professional instructor. These kinds of programs were first originated in popular many countries. However, they are now being taken up around the world. These days more and more people are entering the yoga industry, and therefore it can hold great career prospects for you. … Read more

Ignite Your Fire in a Summer Yin Practise


Written by Sophie Nusselder Midsummer Summer Solstice in Chinese calendar is on June 21st. So…Today! This summer season, is the most yang time of the year and is filled with abundant energy, long days and sunshine. In Chinese medicine the element of summer is fire, which allows us to expand and give and receive warmth, … Read more

Yin Class For Liver and Galbladder


Written by Sophie Nusselder Spring is in the air in Europe. The season of such aliveness, the season of the wind in traditional Chinese medicine.  The season of the liver and the gallbladder. This blog includes a yin practice targeting these meridians. May the wind blow through your hair, may you blossom, grow and be … Read more

Yin for the liver and gallbladder

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Written by Sophie Nusselder Yin for the liver and gallbladder Spring is in the air in Europe. The season of plants which are sprouting new growth, the season of  aliveness. The predominate atmospheric energy in this season, the Wood time of year, is Wind. The season of the liver and the gallbladder. This blog is about these … Read more

Learn To Balance Yang Energy In Yin Yoga

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Learn To Balance Yang Energy In Yin Yoga Written by Sophie Nusselder Next to dynamic “Yang classes” (like vinyasa and ashtanga) which are merely focused on strengthening the muscles, most yogaschools offer Yin Yoga these days. Yin Yoga. This sounds quite a relaxing, slow and easy style don’t you think? Well, I must admit, it … Read more

Mindfulness Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course

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Mindfulness methods can be traced back to the yoga traditions of Hinduism. Buddha refined its practice some 2,600 years ago as part of a spiritual discipline leading to enlightenment, where the mind is free of suffering and in a state of complete wisdom and compassion. Mindfulness is the main element in Vipassana or Insight and … Read more