Improve your concentration with pranayama


Silent Sitting Meditation

Improve your concentration with pranayama

Topic of all the previous articles was the 4th step of the eightfolded path: pranayama. I outlined what pranayama is. Also I’ll paid attention to physical and mental aspects of integrating pranayama in your daily life and I added breathing exercises I practise and might be beneficial for you too.

In the previous article you could read an outline of the benefits of pranayama according to Swami Niranjanda Saraswati, which are:

Benefit 1: awakening vital energy

Benefit 2: physical benefits

Benefit 3: digestive and eliminatory system

Benefit 4: Endocrine system

Benefit 5: Nervous system

To end this acticle I’ll outline the 6h benefit of pranayama which is greater concentration. 🙂

“Pranayama is the link between the mental and physical disciplines. While the action is physical, the effect is to make the mind calm, lucid and steady”


The cumulative effect of pranayama is that the mind becomes steady. Disturbing energies are removed. To illustrate this quote I’d like to use Patanjali 🙂

YS 1.2 Yogaschitta vrtti nirodha

Yoga: yoga

Chitta: conciousness

Vrtti: patterns of circular patterns

Nirodhah: blocking, stopping

To block the patterns of consciousness is yoga.

This sutra replies that yoga is the blocking of the patterns arising in all the dimensions of consciousness. It is not only shutting yourself of from the external experiences which you face every morning and evening, but it is setting aside the vision you have in deep meditation and higher Samadhi (state when the mind becomes still; a state of of non duality).

Human consciousness will finally develop itself when it becomes free from the clutches of prakriti, (nature)  or the three gunas.

Want to know more about the gunas? Tomorrow I’ll dive into this topic!

Address: Parimukti Yoga Center, Kanira Homes,
Girkarwaddo, End of Magic Park Road,
Arambol, 403524,
Goa, India
Phone: +919637521278

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