Parimukti Yoga Teacher Training Level 1
For anyone that feels a strong pull towards sharing yoga and meditation, our Level 1 training is designed to becoming a certified yoga and mediation teacher training Goa. The training is set up in such a way that you develop a strong dedication towards your own self practice and it gives you a strong foundation for deeply understanding yogic practices and philosophy, and you will gain confidence in teaching in your unique, authentic way
Practice u0026amp; Space
The program starts off with a strong focus on your own practice. Daily we will involve in pranayama, meditation, asana and chanting. The physical classes are alternated with philosophy to make us understand the nature of our mind and in the anatomy classes, in a fun way, you will gain a better understanding of your physical body. In order to more deeply experience and realise the profound effect of these practices we invite you to practice at least one day in silence. Only in silence can we go deep within and start to listen, and observe, our body, mind and actions. This period is devoted to purifying our physical and mental bodies
Depth u0026amp; Understanding
The focus of the second half of the training deeply studying and understanding the practices we engage ourselves in and which we ultimately want to share. Deep understading both furthers our own practice and creates the soil from which to teach. Every morning will be dedicated to mediation, pranayama and asana. The rest of the day we will study the asanas (their musculo-skeletal alignment, verbal u0026amp; hands-on adjustments, benefits and contra-indications), pranayama (scientific background, benefits and contra-indications), meditations (looking into different types of meditations and studying and understanding their differences and proper use), chanting (we will study mantras from the Vedas and Upanishads, including their meaning, application and proper pronounciation). During this training the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will be introduced as one of the pillars of the modern practice of Hatha Yoga. The anatomy classes at this level we be focused on the musculo-skeletal system. We will introduce the science of Ayurveda to understand more deeply how to live a healthy life according to one’s dosha (bodily constitution). At this point in the training we actively involve you in teaching. Both correctly teaching the asanas, pranayama and meditation but moreover teaching methodology – how do you sequence a class, how to handle a group’s energy?, how to project your voice, etc.
Daily Schedule
A typical day in the training looks as follows:
07.00 – 09.00 Asana, Pranayama u0026amp; Meditation
09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
10.00 – 11.00 Anatomy
11.15 – 12.30 Art of Teaching
12.30 – 15.00 Lunch u0026amp; Rest
15.00 – 16.15 Philosophy
16.30 – 18.00 Asana
18.00 – 19.00 Meditation/Chanting
Minor changes may be introduced depending on the location, teachers and participants
Our program is accredited by the Yoga Alliance and meets their hour and subject requirements.