How to manifest your hearts, desires, as taught by Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard was a 20th century mystic and author who taught the power of imagination and the law of assumption. He believed that everyone is God and that we can create our reality by assuming the feeling of our wish fulfilled. In this blog post, we will explore some of the methods of manifestation that Neville Goddard taught and how to apply them in our daily lives.

  1. The State Akin to Sleep (SATS)

This is one of the most popular and effective methods of manifestation that Neville Goddard taught. It involves entering a state of relaxation and drowsiness, similar to the state before falling asleep or waking up. In this state, the conscious mind is subdued and the subconscious mind is more receptive to impressions. Neville Goddard advised to use this state to imagine a scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire, as if it were happening in the present moment. You should feel the reality of the scene and its naturalness. You should also repeat a short phrase or affirmation that summarizes your desire, such as “I am wealthy” or “I am married”. You should do this until you fall asleep or until you feel a sense of satisfaction and relief.

  1. The Revision Technique

This is another powerful method of manifestation that Neville Goddard taught. It involves changing the past events in your imagination to conform to your desired outcome. Neville Goddard believed that the past is not fixed and that we can revise it in our imagination to create a new future. He suggested to use this technique at the end of the day, before going to sleep. You should review the events of the day in your mind and change any negative or undesirable situations into positive ones. You should imagine them as vividly as possible and feel the emotion that you would have felt if they had happened differently. You should also forgive yourself and others for any mistakes or hurts that occurred during the day.

  1. The Ladder Experiment

This is a simple but effective method of manifestation that Neville Goddard taught to demonstrate the power of imagination and assumption. It involves imagining yourself climbing a ladder in your mind for several nights before going to sleep. You should feel the sensation of climbing the ladder, such as the touch of the rungs, the movement of your arms and legs, and the sound of your breathing. You should also repeat to yourself “I am climbing a ladder” or “I will climb a ladder”. However, during the day, you should avoid any physical contact with ladders or any mention of them. You should also deny any possibility of climbing a ladder in reality. Neville Goddard claimed that if you do this faithfully, you will soon find yourself climbing a ladder in an unexpected way.

These are some of the methods of manifestation that Neville Goddard taught and how to apply them in our daily lives. By using these techniques, we can tap into our creative power and assume the feeling of our wish fulfilled. As Neville Goddard said, “Imagination is God” and “Assume you are what you want to be. Walk in that assumption and it will harden into fact”.